Maize varieties developed and released with support from MAIZE

varieties by
grain color

varieties by
cultivar type

traits combined on
single variety

Percentage of varieties
released with given trait

Drought Tolerance
Gray Leaf Spot Resistance
Heat Tolerance
Maize Lethal Necrosis
Maize Streak Virus Resistance
N Use Efficiency
Striga Tolerance
Turcicum Leaf Blight Resistance
  • Orange MaizeOrange
  • White MaizeWhite
  • Yellow MaizeYellow
  • HybridHybrid
  • Open Pollinated VarietyOpen Pollinated Variety
  • 11
  • 22
  • 3 - 53 - 5
  • + 6+ 6
research projects funded
the total budget granted
Improving the livelihood of agricultural communities in Lower Shebelle region of Somalia through testing and dissemination of improved technologies-maize tolerant hybrids.
Budget$52,500 Years2013-2015
Variety release of Dt Hybrid varieties
Budget$73,914 Years2015-2016
Ex-ante assessment of Agronomic and Economic benefits of fertilizer use in maize production under variable farm,climatic and soil fertility conditions in Kenya and Zimbabwe
Budget$66,845 Years2013-2017
Evaluation of maize germpalsm resistant to Striga weed in Western Kenya
Budget$45,486 Years2014-2015
Breeding of maize genotypes for resistance to aflatoxins and fumonisins in Eastern and Southern Africa
Budget$42,373 Years2013-2015
Assessments of the maize situation, outlook and investment opportunities in Eastern and Southern Africa
Budget$79,900 Years2015-2016
CongoEthiopiaGhanaMalawiMaliMozambiqueNiger Nigeria RwandaTanzania Uganda Zambia and Zimbabwe
Superior dual-purpose maize hybrids for more and better food and fodder.
Budget$34,124 Years2014-2016
Development of sustainable management stategies for insect- vectors of Maize lethal Necrosis Disease in East Africa
Budget$44,493 Years2014-2015
African MAIZE yield gaps analysis
Budget$60,957 Years2012-2015
Maize lethal necrosis disease: investigating risks and pre-emptive management in West Africa
Budget$228,399 Years2015-2016
Using NUANCES-FarmSIM for co-learning in maize-based systems of western Kenya
Budget$24,704 Years2014-2015
Irrigation Equipment
Budget$11,852 Years2015-2016
Bangladesh South Sudan Uganda Zimbabwe Rwanda Angola
Using NUANCES-FarmSIM for co-learning in maize-based systems of western Kenya
Budget$46,220 Years2014-2016
South Sudan Uganda Zimbabwe Rwanda Angola
MAIZE Youth Innovator Award 2019 - AFRICA
Budget$76,338 Years2015-2016
Joint multi-FP FAW urgent actions work packages (South Asia, Africa)
Budget$547,650 Years2012-2013
Multi-location evaluation of FAW tolerant hybrids in eastern Africa
Budget$80,668 Years2014-2015
Whole grain characterization and storage stability of commercial maize varieties in Kenya & Zimbabwe
Budget$154,906 Years2014-2017
Seed scale-up of three new FAW-tolerant CIMMYT hybrid varieties, release & Diss. KENYA
Budget$38,325 Years2015-2016
FAWTH Demonstrations (Kakamega)
Budget$30,000 Years2015-2016
FAWTH Demonstrations (Embu)
Budget$50,000 Years2015-2016
FAWTH Demonstrations (Katumani)